Wednesday, November 19, 2008


these things made me sad and happy at the same time.

i don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me.


Melissa and Jeff said...

Yes, I totally understand what you're saying... Remember I'm the girl who had to sleep with every single stuffed animal in my twin bed so that no one felt left out, alone and abandoned! xo, Miss

jennifleur said...

hi cutie! i think you're the only person who knows that i'm here but i think i'm okay with that... makes it a little less scary, you know.

thanks for your thoughtful comments. i read your blog, i just don't comment... again, it's the stealth thing. i agree with your friends that you are quite a skilled writer, actually i think you're really talented miss. is that an irish thing? keep it up girl. xx

Melissa and Jeff said...

You're funny... Thanks for the compliments! I do love having this outlet on here. I know what you mean about having people know you have a blog - there is that side I wish that no one knew so that I would feel even more free to write. I never mean anything toward people I know, and so I always have it in the back of my head to "be careful!" I'm glad you're posting more, though! I love the things you put on here - the one of the picture of "the dude" look-alike got me choked up! Tony is adorable, and I hope we can all meet soon. I love you tons... xoxo, Miss